Monday, April 18, 2005

Fishing trip April 17

It's 5:00 when the alarm goes off, luckily I went to bed at around 11:00 the night before.
At 5:30 we leave Savaneta, me and Roli in his fishing boat 'Bernat'. The sea doesn't look as rough as the last time but when we get to 'Indianskop' near the refinery it gets pretty wild, and gets even rougher around the point called 'cabes'.
We fish again with the lead lines 'rosario' and another floating line with a 'duck'. I get 2 strikes which eat up half of the maulo bait and Roli is the first one getting a 'hafcor' (tuna), After that he brings in a small pikuda (barracuda), and I also get my first picuda followed by a second smaller one.
After this I do not get any strikes and Roli hooks a wowo di bollo (large eyed fish), after this we slowly drift back to Savaneta and near Indianskop a very large fish takes the floating line and it took some effort to bring in this 26 kilo Mulato (59 pound wahoo) into the boat, it easily took the width of the boat.
After this we drifted further down towards Savaneta and came in to tie up in front of Roli's house.
After cleaning and cutting the fish, and refreshing the throath with some cold Balashi's we stayed around the Zeerovers bar for some talking and drinking, and bragging about the nice catch on this trip.

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